Boarding School Research

Stories included in the Native Voices touring play Stories From The Indian Boarding School come from or were inspired by the following sources, personal histories, and family stories from the ensemble members.

Carlisle Indian Boarding School

Boarding School Seasons: American Indian Families, 1900-1940.
Brenda J. Child.  Published by University of Nebraska Press, 1998.

The Boarding School Blues: Revisiting American Indian Educational Experiences.
Clifford E. Tafzer, Jean A. Keller, Lorene Sisquoc. Published by University of Nebraska Press, 2006.

Education for Extinction: American Indians and the Boarding School Experience, 1875-1928.
David Wallace Adams. Published by University Press of Kansas, 1995.

Kill the Indian, Save the Man: the Genocidal Impact of American Indian Residential Schools.
Ward Churchill. Published by City Lights, 2004.

Native American Testimony.
Peter Nabokov. Published by Penguin Books, 1991.

They Called it Prairie Light: the Story of Chilocco Indian School.
K. Tsianina Lomawaima. Published by University of Nebraska Press, 1994.

"American Indian Boarding Schools: An Exploration of Global Ethnic & Cultural Cleansing." Jennifer Jones, Dee Ann Bosworth, Amy Lonetree.  Ziibiwing Center of Anishinabe Culture and Lifeways, 2011. Web.

"The Challenges and Limitations of Assimilation: Indian Boarding Schools."
The Brown Quarterly 4.3 (2001). Brown Foundation for Educational Equity, Excellence and Research. Web.

"History and Culture: Boarding Schools." American Indian Relief Council. Web.

Cante Sica Oral Histories, Archival Footage, the Cante Sica Foundation, archived at the Autry’s Institute for the Study of the American West, Libraries and Archives

Montana Mosaic: Indian Boarding Schools.”
Directed by Gita Saiedi Kiely, Montana PBS. Web.

Unseen Tears: the Native American Boarding (Residential) School Experience in Western New York,” Directed by Ron Douglas, Vimeo. Web.

Witness to Murder at Indian Residential School.” (excerpt, original no longer available)
Published by CBC Canada Web.

If you have done any Indian Boarding School Research, we'd love to know what you found!  Post a link in the comments and we'll include them.

Links to research from others:

10 books about residential schools to read with your kids - CBC Canada

Indian Boarding Schools - PBS

Thomas Moore