Laura Shamas - Playwright


What is your heritage (whatever that means to you)?

I was born in Oklahoma. I am a member of the Chickasaw Nation. 

Where will you be watching the play from?

Los Angeles


Is this your first time at Native Voices?

No! It is my fourth time. I love Native Voices. Everyone needs to support Native Voices! 


What compels you to write?

I can only write when I have something to say. I feel very strongly about #MMIW, the topic of my short play.


Do your characters have lives outside of the slice you are showing here?

Honestly, I don’t know yet. Maybe? This was a first draft and I‘m grateful to have a chance to work on it with a dramaturg, actors, and a director before the November performances.


How does listening to a stage reading of your play help? 

It is so helpful, so important. For me, a play doesn’t come alive until actors and a director are involved. So a reading gives a play its life.


Where can people find you on Social Media?

Only on Twitter: @LauraShamas