Tara Moses - Playwright


What is your heritage (whatever that means to you)?

I am a citizen of the Seminole Nation of Oklahoma, and I also am Mvskoke. Heritage feels like such a distant word for me, as my "Nativeness" is not in the past. I am fully a contemporary tribal citizen. I am not of Seminole and Mvskoke "heritage"; I just simply am Seminole and Mvskoke.


Where will you be watching the play from?

The Muscogee Creek Reservation (or what was formerly known as Tulsa, Oklahoma)! 


Is this your first time at Native Voices?

Nope, my second! My play Quantum was part of the 25th Annual New Play Festival in 2019, and I am thrilled to be back! 


What compels you to write?

The stories of my family, my lived experiences as a Native woman in this country at this point in time, and the spirits of my ancestors before me. I am never able to write alone.


Do your characters have lives outside of the slice you are showing here?

Oh do they. Patchwork takes place nearly one year after my full-length play Arbeka. There is just something about this family that I love so much (perhaps because these people are truly based on my own family members), so I am trying to create my own "Marvel Universe", or shall I say my "Pancake Universe". I am currently considering writing the "origin story" set in the summer of 1975 for an upcoming residency. So y'all stay tuned. 


How does listening to a stage reading of your play help?

It really allows me to hear where the holes are, where the moments of confusion are, and how strongly the heart of the play beats. When we aren't online, being able to see and hear the audiences' reactions is a huge help to those three questions. For digital readings, I get so much value and knowledge from audiences who utilize the comment sections in real time. In short, these stories are meant to be experienced in community, not just in my living room. (Also being able to share plays publically in some way also helps when it comes to the future life of the work, but I would say that the aspects of community contributing to the development from the director, dramaturg, and cast to the audience is the most valuable.) 


Where can people find you on Social Media?

On Twitter and Instagram I am @taratomahawk. I also have a LinkedIn if you're so inclined.